Today I emailed (via charms) Fair Share Statements.  This is for the $450 Fair Share amount that covers general band student fees for the year (buses, competition meals, game snacks and waters, uniform parts, uniforms, clinicians, general operating expenses) for each student.  This does NOT include any part of Hawaii – those payments and invoices will come from Perform America.  To view your Hawaii trip payment status visit the Trip Website.

**This also does not include activity fees for Indoor Drum Line or Winter Guard.

You may make a payment online at the Band Store HERE.

Additionally……I know these statements are not intuitive in the least.  If you have a balance credit noted, that is a reflection of a payment, not an actual credit on your account.  I’m not sure why Charms is set up this way.  What you are looking for is the ‘TOTAL FIXED PAYMENTS PAID‘ to be $450 and the UNPAID Fixed payments to be $0.  

If you have any questions please email