GREAT NEWS Trojan BAND and DANCE GUARD!!!!  At the last “Mulch for Donuts” before spring break, we were at 50% of our goal.  We’ve moved all the way to 91.4%in two weeks! 

WOW!!!!  THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! 

To reach our goal we need:

  • about 350 bags more

  • or a combination of bags and mulch spreading of 360 bags (example 285 bags, 75 spread)

  • any opt-outs we receive move us 2/3 of 1% to the goal, so 14 opt-outs get us to 100%

If we reach 100% by the end of the day Monday Ms. Gonzalez will make homemade cookies and bring ice cream for cookies and ice cream on Tuesday!!!!