Greetings Trojan Band Family!

We had an AMAZING week one! This is a really brilliant, hard-working, caring group of kids and this week has been a treat. Friday we started drill for the first time…and got through 3 sets with music on the field and choreography!

Students will have checkpoint pass offs for music and marching. These pass offs will be our way of ensuring individual accountability for the skills we are teaching them on the field. We talked to them during full masterclass about this last week, but I will publish the schedule below as well. This is also a chance for alternates to challenge into primary spots. For Primary marchers to maintain their spot they must demonstrate clear understanding of their step outs and choreography with the music. Anytime they need help have them seek out a director or section leader ahead of time – we are here to guide them!

Monday (8/5): Overture (review of everything from last week)

8/9: Celestial Nights Beg to letter D

8/22: Celestial Nights Letter D to Letter J

8/26 Letter J to Letter M

SUMMER UNIFORMS: Make sure you have purchased your summer uniform! We have been asking students as they come through uniform fittings and we are getting blank stares which is cause for concern. You should have: stone colored shorts, brown belt, white no-show socks and white (plain) tennis shoes.

Flamingo-ing is going strong – but we have some reminders! Make sure students are writing down addresses on the Flamingo sheet as they go…this is important because we are collecting data to help us in coming years! ALSO, make sure they are hitting every house on the street and NOT random houses. I had a friend this week tell me they were ready to be flamingo-ed and then the flock walked right by their house!!! Let’s not leave anything on the table! You guys are doing fantastic…Mrs. Eddins told me today that this is the most caring group of kids she’s seen….Making sure you leave the yard clean, helping each other count money, thanking her…wonderful! The team building and bonding is priceless. Thank you for your amazing team spirit!!!

We are looking forward to a GREAT week 2! Keep up the GREAT WORK Trojan Band!!!

Ms. G